COVID 19 updates

CCDPHE shares steps for counties interested in setting up business certification programs

REMOTE, (Dec. 14 , 2020): In November, the state provided a draft framework for a business variance program known as the “5 star program,” and sought public feedback. Today, CDPHE is sharing a checklist with counties of steps they can take if they are interested in setting up this program. Further details finalizing the parameters of the program, who is eligible, and what requirements businesses will have to follow will be released later this week, but today’s information will give interested cities or counties tools to begin their planning process. The program is optional; each city or county can determine whether this program is a good fit for their community. 

Once finalized, the program will encourage businesses to implement safety measures beyond what is already required by public health orders and guidelines that will help slow the spread of COVID-19, and in doing so, be able to accelerate their reopening. The final parameters of the program as well as details on the application process will be released shortly.

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